35 dual nationals banned from serving in government

TEHRAN – Iran has barred 35 dual nationals, out of a 79 total, from serving in an official capacity presumably for security concerns, an MP quoted Intelligence Minister Mahmoud Alavi as having said, IRIB news agency reported on October 5.
“Out of a total of 79 cases looked into, 39 were proved to have dual nationalities or a U.S. Green Card, and dismissed for official posts,” Alavi had told members of the Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Committee, according to Hossein Naqavi Hosseini, the committee spokesman.
In August, Iran’s Judiciary confirmed the arrest of a “spy” involved in the nuclear negotiations with world powers later on identified as Abdolrasoul Dorri Esfahani, a senior accountant involved in banking-related aspects of the nuclear talks.
Meanwhile, Fars news agency quoted Alavi as having said that officials have been told to “choose between dual nationality and their office.”
Dual nationalities grew into a major security debate raised by conservatives in Iran in the past two or three years. The conservatives say dual nationality is one of the major canals for foreigners to infiltrate the Islamic Republic.
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